Prepared, strategic energy policy and counsel for tribes
Pilar Thomas advises Native American tribes on tribal renewable energy project development and finance, tribal economic development, federal Indian law and natural resource development. Clients turn to her for strategic legal advice on:
- Tribal energy policy and planning
- Clean energy and infrastructure project development and financing
- Federal and state energy regulatory, programs and policy efforts
- Federal requirements for tribal land development
Pilar's in depth federal Indian law experience extends to her governmental work as deputy director for the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs at the U.S. Department of Energy. She was responsible for developing and implementing policies and programs to achieve the office's objectives related to the promotion of energy development, electrification and infrastructure improvement on tribal lands.
Pilar also was the deputy solicitor of Indian Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Interior interim attorney general, chief of staff to Chairwoman Herminia Frias of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe and a trial attorney in the U.S. Department of Justice, Environmental and Natural Resources Division, Indian Resources Section.
Experience in Action
- Drafts HEARTH Act leasing regulations to be submitted to the U.S. Secretary of the Interior.
- Drafts tribal laws, regulations and policies related to economic development, land use and environmental review.
- Shepherds clients through the federal regulatory process for land into trust decisions and related environmental reviews.
- Monitors, reviews and drafts comments on federal and state agency actions, as well as federal legislation related to tribal energy development.
- Negotiates leases and right of ways for utility scale renewable projects, and agreements related to transmission lines, landfill gas, solar projects, natural gas power plants and mineral development on tribal lands.
- Serves as general counsel for several tribes, Section 17 and tribal business entities.
Professional Recognitions
- Best Lawyers in America® (2017-present: Native American Law)
- Chambers USA® (2018-present: Native American Law)
- Best Lawyers in America® "Lawyer of the Year" (2022, 2024: Native American Law)
- AZ Big Media "Top 100 Lawyers in Arizona" (2022)
- Arizona American Indian Excellence in Leadership Awards “Woman of the Year” (2022)
Professional & Civic Activities
- Energy Bar Association, member
- Native American Bar Association of Arizona, board member
- Native American Bar Association of D.C., member
- National Native American Bar Association, member
- Federal Bar Association, member
- Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, trustee-at-large
- American Bar Association, Native American Resources Committee, chair
- GRID Alternatives, board member
News & Insights
- News Release
- News Release
- Media Mention
- News Release
- Albuquerque, New Mexico
- News Release
- Media Mention
- Newsletter
- Media Mention
- SeminarWolf Law Building, Wittemyer Courtroom
- Media Mention
- Media Mention
- Article
- News Release
- News Release
- Newsletter
- Media Mention
- News Release
- Solar Farm Summit
- Solar Farm Summit
- Newsletter
- Seminar5th Annual Seminole Tribe of Florida Renewable Energy and Sustainability Conference
- Newsletter
- SeminarAmerican Exploration and Mining Association
- SeminarNative CDFI Network: Annual Policy and Capacity Building Summit
- News Release
- Newsletter
- SeminarThe American Bar Association SEER Fall Conference
- WebinarQuarles & Brady Webinar
- Media Mention
- Media Mention
- Media Mention
- News Release
- SeminarOklahoma Indian Gaming Association Conference & Tradeshow
- SeminarNatural Resources and Energy Law Institute
- News Release
- Media Mention
- SeminarSandia Resort
- Webinar
- WebinarON24
- News Release
- News Release
- Seminar2021 Fall Finance & Tribal Economies Conference
- Presentation"Strategizing Emergency Relief Aid to Tribal Citizens"2021 Fall Finance & Tribal Economies Conference
- News Release
- News Release
- Webinar
- News Release
- Webinar
- SeminarResources for the Future (RFF) and the Urban Institute
- Presentation"Environmental Justice: Energy Equity and Transitions"Resources for the Future (RFF) and the Urban Institute Webinar
- Podcast
- Webinar
- Media Mention
- Webinar
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- News Release
- Other Media
- Newsletter
- WebinarState Bar of Arizona Tribal In-House Counsel Association and Indian Law Section
- Presentation"Tribal Natural Resource Development and Environmental Management"State Bar of Arizona Tribal In-House Counsel Association and Indian Law Section Webinar
- Media Mention
- WebinarEnergy Bar Association Fall Conference
- Presentation"Making Your Way Through the Ethics Haze: Selected Topics in the Environmental and Energy Context"Energy Bar Association Fall Conference (Webinar)
- Newsletter
- Article
- News Release
- News Release
- WebinarWebinar Only
- Presentation"Tribal Clean Energy Development and Utility Support: Path to Economic Recovery from COVID-19"Quarles & Brady Seminar
- Newsletter
- Media Mention
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- News Release
- Newsletter
- Article
- Article
- WebinarAmerican Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association (AIANTA)
- News Release
- SeminarNative Sovereign and State Intergovernmental SummitThe AG Alliance Presents Sovereign-to-Sovereign: Building Alliances Between State Attorneys General and Native American Sovereigns
- Article"2020 Will Be Bullish For Tribal Clean Energy Development"Law360
- Article"Tribal Utility Development"Arizona Attorney
- Media Mention"Native Groups Say Lender Ruling Cramps Tribal Businesses"Law360 (Quoted in Article)
- Media Mention"Tribes Urge Developer Focus on Economic Diversity, Sustainability"Phoenix Business Journal (Quoted in Article)
- "Tribal Energy Resources, Policies & Potential"The Talking Stick, Arizona State University (Podcast)
- Presentation"Tribal Energy in the Southwest: New Opportunities for Tribal Projects and Tips for Navigating a Changing Regulatory Environment"Law Seminars International (Program Co-Chair)
- Presentation"Environmental Law & Policy Under the Trump Administration"Fifth Annual Martz Spring Symposium, University of Colorado School of Law
- Presentation"Tribal Energy Development: Legal and Regulatory Prepositioning"14th Annual MSU Indigenous Law Conference, In-House Counsel Association
- Presentation"Energy and Environmental Justice"Energy Bar Association Mid-Year Energy Forum
- Presentation"Outlook for the Trump Administration"Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Special Institute on Indian Law and Natural Resources: The Basics and Beyond
- Presentation"Moving Beyond Consultation to Collaboration on Cultural Resource and Environmental Impacts"Tribal Energy in the Southwest, Law Seminars International
- Presentation"Potential Federal Legislative Solutions to Facilitate Tribal Energy Development"Tribal Energy in the Southwest, Law Seminars International
- "Indian Country and the Trump Administration: Key Opportunities and Considerations"Tribal In-House Counsel Association Webinar
- Presentation"Negotiating Contracts on Tribal Lands"NBI Training Seminar
- Presentation"Get Your Hands off My Trust Responsibility? Debating the Federal Government's Role in the Trust Responsibility"Federal Bar Association 41st Annual Indian Law Conference
- University of New Mexico School of Law (J.D., magna cum laude, 2002)
- Order of the Coif
- Indian Law Certificate
- Stanford University (B.A., 1983)
Bar Admissions
- Arizona
Court Admissions
- U.S. Court of Federal Claims
- U.S. District Court, District of Arizona
- U.S. Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit