Quarles Honored by U.S. Bank Law Division for Its Commitment to Diversity

News Release

December 9, 2024 (Milwaukee) – Quarles & Brady LLP announced today that it has received the sixth annual U.S. Bank Law Division “Invested in Diversity” award, presented each year to a law firm with a strong relationship with U.S. Bank that is making a meaningful difference through its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in the legal profession.

Quarles, which has worked with U.S. Bank for 15 years, has collaborated closely with the U.S. Bank Impact Finance legal team on lending and tax credits transactions for native communities, as well as with the U.S. Bank Law Division on immigration and mobility work. The firm also has been an active participant in multiple U.S. Bank initiatives such as Spotlight on Talent, Diversity Dividends Collective, usbWell and the inclusion-focused book club.

“This award honors Quarles' ongoing dedication to diversity in the legal profession,” said James Chosy, U.S. Bank senior executive vice president and general counsel. “Quarles has invested substantial time, energy and resources to develop stronger relationships with U.S. Bank Law Division and business line teams, to understand our needs and to bring diverse and inclusive perspectives to the work they do for us, which helps us achieve the best possible outcomes.”

Under the leadership of Brad Vynalek, Quarles president, and Cornell Boggs, senior strategic advisor, the Quarles team partnering with U.S. Bank’s legal team on the projects above includes Martin Childs, Jason Croxton, Amber Lai, Luis Ochoa, Pilar Thomas and Nneka Umeh, among others.

Quarles is deeply thankful to the U.S. Bank team members who have been so helpful on this journey, led by Jim Chosy and including Mary Baker, Bernardine Lai, Stefan Johansson, Chris Lenhart, Sarah Markenson-Bussel, Jamiee Newman and Sara Stenberg.

“We are tremendously honored to receive this important recognition from our partners at U.S. Bank,” said Vynalek. “We have a long-standing, deeply held conviction that teams with diverse backgrounds and experiences not only make us stronger as a firm, but enable us to provide more thoughtful, well-rounded counsel to our clients. It’s a privilege to work with a client such as U.S. Bank.”

In addition to its participation in the various U.S. Bank Law Division programs, Quarles was recognized for its extensive involvement with national and local programs, including Mansfield Rule certification; its many programs for practice group diversity, comprehensive recruiting and hiring, and cultural inclusivity and racial justice; and its ongoing effort to support diverse suppliers and vendors.

Learn more here about the Quarles commitment to DEI.

The “Invested in Diversity” award, which was presented to the Quarles team during a lunch on December 4 in Minneapolis, was designed by Minnesota artist and bronze sculpting specialist Kimber Fiebiger. Representing unity and the fight against inequities, the original sculpture depicts the Little Rock Nine — a group of Black students who challenged public school segregation in 1957 and played a significant role in the civil rights movement.

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