Strategic advising relating to inventions, brands, product designs and artistic works
James Aquilina advises his clients on intellectual property (IP) procurement, strategic portfolio development and management, offensive and defensive dispute matters, licensing and anti-counterfeiting efforts. An internationally recognized IP strategist and leader in the field of U.S. design law, he counsels industry-leading and emerging clients in the areas of utility and design patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. His representative clients include global companies in the fields of:
- Personal apparel, including footwear and clothing
- Consumer packaged goods, including games and puzzles
- Medical devices
- Home furnishing
- Software
James takes the time to understand his clients’ businesses and ensure the legal solutions he and his team deliver align with business purposes. He is a true partner to the companies he represents and provides guidance that is clear, succinct and actionable.
James is the co-founder and editor in chief of Quarles’ Protecting the Product blog, which focuses on design-related legal rights.
James is the Washington, D.C. office co-managing partner and the Washington office chair for the Intellectual Property Group.
Experience in Action
- Builds comprehensive IP portfolios. Given his unique background as a cross-functional patent, trademark and copyright lawyer — coupled with his knowledge in the niche design rights field, which regards the intersection of design patents, trade dress and copyrights embodied in useful objects — he is uniquely qualified to spot issues and build complete IP portfolios for his clients.
- Knows the international treaties that govern various forms of IP. His international perspective allows James to put clients in optimal situations to protect their intellectual properties on a global scale.
- Handles patent appeals and reexamination proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) and trademark opposition and cancellation proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB). James has represented clients in numerous fully briefed cases resulting in final decisions.
- Successfully secured design patent and trade dress registrations for various packaging and product configurations in the U.S. and multiple foreign jurisdictions.
- Using a creative approach, obtained design patents for a client from a pending utility patent portfolio that was facing final rejection, ensuring 15 years of patent protection for the appearance of the client’s flagship product.
- Led a successful, multinational anti-counterfeiting campaign for a client, working closely with local customs agencies, in pursuit of infringing product copies and counterfeits. These efforts leveraged utility patents, design patents and trademarks, and led to the cessation of the infringing activity in all countries.
Professional Recognitions
- IAM Strategy 300 Global Leaders "Top 300 Intellectual Property Strategists" (2023, 2024)
Professional & Civic Activities
- American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
- Industrial Designs Committee, chair (2018-2020); vice chair (2016-2018); voting member (2009-present)
- Biotechnology Committee, voting member (2009-present)
- Design Rights Boot Camp, session coordinator and presenter (2018-present); vice chair (2020-present)
- International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
- Standing Committee on Trade Secrets, member (2018-present)
- International Trademark Association (INTA)
- Non-Traditional Marks Committee, member (2024-present)
- Designs Committee, member (2020-2021, 2022-2023)
News & Insights
June 9 -11, 2025
SeminarNeoCon- SeminarInspired Home Show
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Webinar
- Webinar
- News Release
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Article
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Presentation"Protecting Designs in the Virtual World"2022 Design Rights Boot Camp
- Presentation"Advanced Design Patent Prosecution including Responding to Objections and Rejections"2022 Design Rights Boot Camp
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Article
- Media Mention
- Newsletter
- SeminarAmerican Intellectual Property Law Association
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- SeminarGeneva, Switzerland (Hybrid)
- WebinarIllinois Intellectual Property Alliance (ILIPA)
- News Release
- SeminarInternational Congress of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI)
- Media Mention
- Presentation
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Media Mention
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- News Release
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Blog - Protecting the Product
- Webinar2020 Virtual Design Rights Boot Camp
- WebinarAmerican Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
- Newsletter
- SeminarNon-Functional Requirement for Trade Dress: Does Your Circuit Allow Evidence of Alternative Designs?American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
- News Release
- Newsletter
- News Release
- Presentation"Advanced Design Patent Prosecution"AIPLA Design Rights Boot Camp, Chicago, IL
- Presentation"Separating Wheat from Chaff: Comparing Functionality Doctrines in U.S. Design Patent, Trade Dress, and Copyright Law"2019 AIPLA Spring Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
- Article"Trademarks: Identifiers of Source"Network Magazine – 2019 Winter Edition
- Presentation"Protecting Emerging Technologies with Design Patents"AIPLA Webinar Series
- Presentation"Design Patent Portfolio Development and Management for In-House Practitioners"AIPLA Online Programming Series
- Presentation"Color Marks the Spot: A Comparative Look at Trade Dress Law for Product Configuration Marks in the U.S. and E.U."2018 INTA Annual Meeting – 9th Annual Scholarship Symposium, Seattle, WA
- Presentation"Advanced Design Patent Prosecution"AIPLA Design Rights Boot Camp, Arlington, VA
- Presentation"Protecting Emerging Technologies: The IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Wearables, and GUIs"AIPLA Mid-Winter Institute, La Quinta, CA
- Presentation"USPTO “Examiner Day” Annual Case Law Update"USPTO Design Patent Examination Corps, Alexandria, VA
- Presentation"Using a U.S. Design Patent Filing as a “Worldwide” Priority Document"AIPLA Mid-Winter Institute, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Presentation"The Intersection of Law and Design: An Intro. To Design Patents"University of Pennsylvania Law School, Philadelphia, PA
- Presentation"Apple v. Samsung at the Supreme Court: A Roadmap to Understanding the Issues"USPTO Design Day, Alexandria, VA
- PresentationThe Importance of Design PatentsNew York IP Network Seminar Series, New York, NY
- Presentation"Best Practices for Protecting Your Trade Secrets in Emerging Markets"2015 AIPLA Spring Meeting, Los Angeles, CA
- University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School (J.D., 2005)
- Rutgers University (B.S., cum laude, 2002)
- Biomedical Engineering
Bar Admissions
- District of Columbia
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania
Court Admissions
- Supreme Court of the United States
- Supreme Court of New Jersey
- Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
- U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit
- U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey
- U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
- U.S. District Court, Middle District of Pennsylvania
- United States Patent and Trademark Office