Nimbly engaging health care regulators, business-focused solutions
Edward Rickert is a pharmacist and attorney who represents health care providers and drug and medical device manufacturers. With deep knowledge of the pharmacy and health care industries, Ed advises in three key areas:
- Health care regulatory compliance
- Health care litigation
- Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) compliance
Clients appreciate that with Ed there is no learning curve. He understands not only the evolving legal and regulatory landscape facing health care entities and professionals, but their operations, business models and the rapid changes in the industry owing to technology and other dynamics. They also like his practical, business-focused legal advice, his responsive, collaborative approach and his ability to engage regulators — often avoiding the formal, adversarial processes that cost time and money.
Admitted in Illinois. Not admitted in Florida.
Experience in Action
- Representing health care providers in trial and appellate courts and before federal and state administrative agencies across the country on licensure, regulatory and business issues. Providers include pharmacies, pharmacists, physicians, hospitals, long-term care providers and other health care providers.
- Representing drug and medical device manufacturers in both civil and regulatory matters.
- Assisting pharmacy wholesalers, pharmacies and other entities in fulfilling their obligations under the CSA and DEA implementing regulations, including advising on all aspects of compliance with CSA and DEA regulations, assisting clients with seeking procurement quotas from the DEA, petitioning the DEA for rulemaking or comment on proposed rules and representing clients in administrative and civil litigation matters brought under the CSA.
- Advising clients on legislation and regulatory rulemaking at the state level.
- Advising on regulatory compliance for telepharmacy operations.
- Advising on Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulatory compliance.
- Obtained binding settlement on behalf of multiple industry associations of more than $60 million — plus significant prospective monetary relief and a significant portion of the plaintiffs’ legal fees — from the state of Washington to reimburse all pharmacies in the state for years of underpayment by the state Medicaid agency.
- Lead counsel in trial court and Illinois Appellate Court case involving the federal Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005 (PSQIA). Obtained dismissal of state’s petition to enforce subpoenas seeking incident reports of medication errors involving several pharmacists, by successfully arguing that the reports were privileged patient-safety work product transmitted to a component patient safety organization (PSO) and were therefore fully protected and privileged under federal law. Affirmed on appeal.
- Assisted a client in connection with the National Prescription Opiate Multidistrict Litigation, including assessing risk and developing strategies, responding to subpoenas and civil investigation demands served by various state attorneys general, and reviewing and analyzing pharmacy dispensing and distribution records.
- Assisted specialty pharmacy with the development of a compliance program focusing on FWA, HIPAA and state regulatory issues.
- Health & Life Sciences
- Hospitals and Health Systems
- Pharmacy, Drug and Device
- Telehealth
- Health Litigation
- 340B Program
- Government and Internal Investigations, Litigation, and Fraud, Waste and Abuse Compliance
- Health Insurance Industry Partners (PBMs, TPAs, DMPOs and URAs)
- Infusion, Home Health and Non-Physician Provider Services
Professional Recognitions
- Best Lawyers in America® (2023-2025: Health Care Law)
- American Society for Pharmacy Law "President’s Award" (2004)
- UIC College of Pharmacy, Outstanding Teacher of the Year (class of 2000 and 2001)
- James Hartley Beal Award for Outstanding Paper in Pharmacy Law, recipient (1997)
Professional & Civic Activities
- Infant Welfare Society of Chicago, board member
- American Society for Pharmacy Law, past president, past member of board of directors
- Legal Task Force / Clinical Labs, Pharmacy and Payer Workgroup, Illinois Office of Health Information Technology, co-chair
- Illinois Bar Association
- Chicago Bar Association
- American Pharmacists Association
- Illinois Council of Health Systems Pharmacists, director of governmental affairs
- Illinois Pharmacists Association
- American Society for Pharmacy Law
- Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
News & Insights
- News Release
July 18-19, 2024
SeminarChicago- Newsletter
- SeminarAmerican Society for Pharmacy Law Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Article
- Newsletter
- News Release
July 19-20, 2023
SeminarChicago- Presentation"For What It’s Worth: Controlled Substance Act Compliance in the Post-Prescription Opioid Crisis and Post-COVID World"2023 Pharmacy Law Symposium
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Presentation"The Impact of the Dobbs Decision on Pharmacy"NACDS Pharmacy Compliance Roundtable
- News Release
- Article
- Media Mention
- SeminarPalmer House Hilton
- Presentation"Constitutional Challenges to Pharmacy Statutes and Regulations"Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- SeminarVirtual Seminar
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- WebinarWebinar Only
- Presentation"Telepharmacy Best Practices for Pharmacists and Providers"Quarles & Brady Seminar
- Webinar
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Presentation"Moderated Panel of State Board of Pharmacy Counsel"Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
- Presentation"DEA Update"Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
- SeminarChicago Office
- SeminarWashington, D.C.
- Media Mention
- News Release
- SeminarChicago, Illinois
- Presentation"Opioid Crisis—Top Things to Know"36th Annual Health Law Symposium - Illinois Association of Healthcare Attorneys
- PresentationHilton Head Island, South Carolina
- Presentation"The Last Line of Defense: Pharmacists' Corresponding Responsibility"American Society for Pharmacy Law Fall Meeting
- Newsletter
- Presentation"Unique Delivery Methods"Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
- Presentation"State Law Overview"Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
- SeminarChicago Office
- Newsletter
- News Release
- Presentation"Compounding Pharmacy Perspectives"Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
- Presentation"New Technologies, Old Concerns"Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
- Article
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Media Mention
- Presentation"Practice Issues"Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
- Presentation"Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law"Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
- Media Mention
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- SeminarChicago Office
- Presentation"Emerging Considerations for Specialty Pharmacies"Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
- Media Mention
- Newsletter
- Article"Pharmacy Law - Examination and Board Review"2015 Textbook, McGraw Hill Education (Major Contributor and Editorial Advisor)
- Chicago-Kent College of Law - Illinois Institute of Technology (J.D., with honors, 1988)
- University of Iowa (B.S., 1983)
- Pharmacy
Bar Admissions
- Illinois
Court Admissions
- U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, 1988
- U.S. District Court, Southern District of Illinois, 1988
- U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois, 1988
- U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit