National trial and trusted business counsel
Ed Holloran is a broad-spectrum trusted advisor who works with large, medium and small business clients to help them resolve a wide variety of business and legal issues. Ed works in health care, business and sports, and leads the firm's motorsports practice. While he remains a committed trial attorney, his experience now includes servicing large national health care, motorsports, veterinary, manufacturing and international businesses as their full-service trusted advisor/overall outside general counsel role on all aspects of health care (regulatory, litigation, licensing), veterinary care, medical devices, sponsorship/partner transactions, mergers and acquisitions, and product liability. Ed represents clients in the fields of:
- Outside general counsel for businesses
- All aspects of health care practice
- Long-term care
- Pharmacy
- Medicine and medical devices
- Products liability
- White collar state and federal criminal investigations
- Motorsports, football, basketball and ice hockey
- Trucking and transportation
- Engineering
- Manufacturing and power generation
Ed and his team invest the time to understand what matters most to clients. The legal approaches and solutions they deliver are always aligned with business purpose and client service expectations. From experience, he knows the right questions to ask and how to deliver clear and valuable answers.
Experience in Action
- Advises businesses and health care entities with a full spectrum of legal needs, including startup, merger and acquisition (M&A), employment, regulatory, licensure and litigation.
- Takes cases through jury trials at the state and national level throughout the United States.
- Counsels on the full spectrum of long-term care practice, from startup to regulatory and licensure, through litigating matters of negligence and breach of contract or representing long-term care industry employees in licensure matters before state professional licensing boards.
- Defends manufacturers of various products in federal and state courts across the country.
- Represents professionals and businesses before governmental regulatory and licensing boards.
- Represents medical device manufacturers, especially in the orthopedic industry, in state and federal products liability litigation.
- Obtained a defense verdict after an arbitration on behalf of one of the nation's largest long-term care providers in case involving the development of a stage III sacral deep tissue injury.
- Health & Life Sciences
- Hospitals and Health Systems
- Long-Term Care and Senior Housing
- Pharmacy, Drug and Device
- Litigation & Dispute Resolution
- Sports, Entertainment and Media Industry
- Energy & Infrastructure
- Government and Internal Investigations, Litigation, and Fraud, Waste and Abuse Compliance
- Product Liability
- Professional Liability
- Provider and Physician Groups
Professional Recognitions
- Indiana Super Lawyers® (2012-2022: Professional Liability: Defense, 2023-2025: Healthcare)
- Indianapolis Bar Association (2016-present: Distinguished Fellow)
Professional & Civic Activities
- Indiana Supreme Court Committee on Character and Fitness, member
- Defense Research Institute, member
- Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana, member
- Indiana State Bar Association, member
- The Florida Bar, member
- Indianapolis Bar Association, member
- Licensed health care risk manager, State of Florida, inactive member
- Play Ball Indiana, board of directors (2008–2014)
- Hearts and Hands of Indiana, board of directors/legal counsel/chairman of External Affairs Committee (2010–present)
- Ivy Tech Community College, adjunct professor (2010–2013)
- Big Ten Basketball Tournament, Local Organizing Committee, Indiana Sports Corp. (2010–present)
- Big Ten Football Championship, Local Organizing Committee, Indiana Sports Corp. (2011–present)
- BMW Championship, PGA Tour, Crooked Stick Golf Club, VIP driver (2012, 2016)
- Indiana Leadership Forum (2009)
- St. Simon the Apostle Men's Club, member/volunteer
- St. Thomas More Society, member
- St. Simon the Apostle, CYO League, head football coach, offensive coordinator, offensive line coach, 3rd-4th grade tackle football (2017-present)
- City Championship runner-up 2019, head coach, 3rd grade
- Holy Spirit Geist, head football coach, pre-K, 1st-2nd grade flag football (2017, 2018)
- Every Dog Counts Rescue, general counsel (2018-present)
- Cathedral High School Fighting Irish varsity football, assistant coach (video coordinator, quality assurance and offensive line) (2019-present)
- ISHAA Sectional 13 5A championship
- ProCamp's Quenton Nelson Aquafina Youth Football Camp, assistant coach (2018)
- ProCamp's Jack Doyle Aquafina Youth Football Camp, assistant coach (2019)
- Cathedral High School Camp Cathedral Youth Summer Football Camp, assistant coach (2019-present)
- Indiana University School of Medicine Opioid Use Disorder ECHO Team, legal counsel/expert panelist, Prescriber, Jail, Pregnancy, & Behavioral Health tracts (2020-present)
- Marion County Veteran's Court, pro bono legal counsel volunteer (2019-present)
News & Insights
- SeminarIndianapolis Bar Association
- News Release
- Newsletter
- News Release
- PresentationRepresenting the Physician 2024The Florida Bar Health Law Section
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Article
- Presentation“30-seconds or 3 Years, The Trouble with EMR”NBA Combine
- Newsletter
- Indianapolis Bar Association
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- News Release
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- News Release
- Article
- SeminarIndianapolis Bar Association
- Newsletter
- News Release
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Presentation“Legal Issues in Opioid Use Disorder”Indiana University School of Medicine, OUD ECHO Jail Tract with K. Michael Gaerte (Indianapolis, Indiana)
- Newsletter
- Presentation“Three Types/Phases of Liability for Healthcare Providers”Indiana University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics (Indianapolis, Indiana)
- News Release
- SeminarIndianapolis Office
- Presentation“Introduction to Professional Liability in Nursing & Risk Management”Purdue University, School of Nursing (West Lafayette, Indiana)
- Presentation"Avoiding Medical Documentation Pitfalls (30 Seconds or 3 Years?)"St. Vincent Hospital, Department of Pediatrics (Indianapolis, Indiana)
- Presentation“Three Types/Phases of Liability for Healthcare Providers”Indiana University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics (Indianapolis, Indiana)
- Presentation"The Civil Litigation Process, Handling Testimony & Hotel Legal Issues Facing NBA Trainers"National Basketball Association League Meeting/Combine - NBA Trainers' Breakout (Chicago, Illinois)
- Presentation"Documentation & Risk Management in an EMR World"Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Riley Hospital for Children (Indianapolis, Indiana
- News Release
- Presentation"Introduction to Professional Liability in Nursing & Risk Management"Purdue University School of Nursing (West Lafayette, Indiana
- Presentation“Documentation of Treatment: Risk Management, Standard of Care, and Personal Exposure”National Basketball Association, League Meeting/Combine NBA Trainers’ Breakout (Chicago, Illinois)
- Presentation“Introduction to Professional Liability and Risk Management”Purdue University, School of Nursing (West Lafayette, Indiana)
- SeminarIndianapolis, Indiana
- News Release
- SeminarIndianapolis, Indiana
- Presentation"Collateral Source: The Rule, Stanley v. Walker, Patchett v. Lee & The Affordable Care Act"2017 Bench Bar Conference, IndyBar Association, Marriott Downtown Hotel Louisville (Louisville, Kentucky)
- News Release
- SeminarIndy Fuel Game to benefit the Quarles Climbers Fight for Air Stair Climb teamIndiana Farmers Coliseum at Indiana State Fairgrounds
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- PresentationIntroduction to Professional Liability in Nursing & Risk ManagementPurdue University, School of Nursing (West Lafayette, Indiana)
- Presentation"Collateral Source: The Rule, Stanley v. Walker, Patchett v. Lee & The Affordable Care Act"2016 Annual Meeting of the Judicial Conference of Indiana, French Lick Springs Resort & Hotel (French Lick, Indiana)
- News Release
- Presentation"Legal and Ethical Issues in End-of-Life Nutritional Care"Purdue University, College of Health and Human Sciences, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences Department (West Lafayette, Indiana)
- Presentation"Collateral Source Payments and Medical Bills: Billed, Paid, Write-Offs - What's the Law?"IndyBar Association
- News Release
- Presentation"Risk Management in Nursing Care"Purdue University, School of Nursing (West Lafayette, Indiana)
- ArticleDoes Patchett v. Lee Make Patchwork of Medical Specials?Indiana Lawyer
- Newsletter
- News Release
- Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law (J.D., cum laude, 2003)
- Nova Law Review, contributing author (2001), senior editor (2002-2003)
- Indiana University Bloomington (B.S., 1996)
Bar Admissions
- Florida
- Indiana
Court Admissions
- U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana
- U.S. District Court, Northern District of Indiana
- U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida