"NASP presentation: Lunch with a Lawyer: Privacy Please! Recent developments in federal and state privacy laws that impact specialty pharmacy"
Meghan O'Connor, Simone Colgan Dunlap
American Kaleidoscope: An Intersectional Approach to the Cultural Defense
53 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 623
"Charitable Giving from Irrevocable Family Trusts"
Kirk Hoopingarner
Planned Giving Today
"Update Your Estate Plan to Meet your Goals: Estate Planning Tools to Help your manage your Health Care and Finances Now and Efficiently Transfer your Assets at the End of your Lifetime"
Kirk Hoopingarner
The Anti-Cruelty Society
"Recruiting & Increasing Tribal Court Advocates"
2022 Navajo Nation Bar Association Conference
"Overview of State Updates in Central Fill & Shared Services"
Nicholas Meza
Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
"PBMs: How Did We Get Here? ERISA Preemption, Rutledge v. PCMA , State Laws, and What’s Next"
John Hintz, Ryan Torres
Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
"340B Program Upheaval: Compliantly Navigating Program Uncertainties While Maximizing Available Benefits"
Richard Davis, Michael French
Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
"Legal Considerations at the Intersection of Pharmacy and Telehealth"
Katea Ravega
Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
"Trends in State Licensing and Medicare & Medicaid Enrollment"
Anne O'Brien, Laura Tepich MacDonald, Elizabeth Gebarski
Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
"New and Improved? - A Discussion of New and Proposed State Regulations"
Amy Cotton Peterson, Susan Brichler Trujillo
Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
"Moderated Panel of State Board Executive Directors"
Roger Morris
Sponsored by Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
"Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law"
Christopher Dang, Brenda Maloney Shafer, Roger Morris, Theodore Sullivan
Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
"Government Investigations: A Former Insider's View"
Kirti Vaidya Reddy
Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
"Constitutional Challenges to Pharmacy Statutes and Regulations"
Mark Bina, Edward Rickert
Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
2009, 2012, 2015
Other Media
"Employment Law and Technology"
Richard Paul
U.S.D. Law School
"Reports and White Papers: Key Takeaways: Implicit Bias and Communications with Key Stakeholders"
Michelle Lewis
"Accommodations in the Time of COVID"
Association of County Counsel
"How to Cross Examine a Witness"
Brittany Odgen
ABI Central States
"Client Advisory: New Changes to Title IX Regulations Proposed"
Michelle Lewis
"Pharmacy Law Update"
Roger Morris and Shaylynn Veeder
Sponsored by Arizona Pharmacy Association (AzPA)
Blog - Protecting the Product
The Unintended Benefit of Properly Documenting Medical Necessity: Avoiding Prosecution
Healthcare Business Today
The Flaws of Global Health Governance as Illustrated by the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution
A. Mohamadhossen, and G. Parola
Journal of Legal Culture (Revista Culturas Juridicas)