"Ground Lease Financing"
Program Co-Chair and Co-Panelist Everett S. Ward (with Melissa Schmucker Vandewater)
Commercial Real Estate Financing, Practising Law Institute, Chicago, Illinois
"Interview Preparation Strategies- How to Make the Most of an Opportunity"
Daniel M. Long
Indiana University Maurer School of Law
"Wisconsin Adoption Law"
Wisconsin Juvenile Court Clerks Assoc. Annual Conference
"U.S. Department of Labor Issues New Interpretation on Joint Employment Relationships"
Aaron Buckley
Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin
"Collateral Source Payments and Medical Bills: Billed, Paid, Write-Offs - What's the Law?"
By Edward L. Holloran, III
IndyBar Association
"Indiana Corporate Counsel - Current Issues and Trends Facing Compliance and Regulatory Officers"
Hosts and Moderators of Panel D. Lucy R. Dollens and Joel E. Tragesser
Corporate Counsel Roundtable - Quarles & Brady LLP
"The New Frontier: Data Analytics and Information Governance"
By William "Bill" Hamilton
Florida Gulf Coast ARMA Conference, Boxes to Bytes
"Paying for Performance: Understanding Key Issues in Risk Sharing Agreements"
By Simone Colgan Dunlap
Q1 Productions: Specialty Pharmaceutical Reimbursement and Market Access Conference
"Optimizing Talent: A Conversation with Women Law Firm Chairs"
By Kimberly Leach Johnson
Diversity & Flexibility Alliance’s 2016 Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
"Charitable Giving in Times of Economic Turbulence"
By Kirk A. Hoopingarner
Chicago Zoological Society
"Using Delaware Statutory Trusts in Real Estate Investments: Opportunities and Legal Risks"
By Edward J. Hannon
Strafford Live CLE/CPE Webinar
"Case Law Update"
By Roger N. Morris
American Pharmacists Association
"Beyond the lnsurance Policy: Negotiating Cost Share and Coverage in Place Agreements in Long Tail Exposure"
By Jeffrey O. Davis
Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee CLE Seminar (Tuscon, Arizona)
"Prepare for Bequest Challenges Based on Alleged Undue Influence or Incapacity"
By Kirk A. Hoopingarner
Planned Giving Today
"U.S. Supreme Court (Again) Reverses California Arbitration Agreement Ruling"
Aaron Buckley
Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin
"Declawing the Cat’s Paw Doctrine in Discrimination Cases"
Joanne Buser
"Largely Enhanced Thermal Conductivity and High Dielectric Constant of Poly (vinylidene fluoride)/Boron Nitride Composites Achieved by Adding a Few Carbon Nanotubes"
Amber Zhang
J. Phys. Chem. C, 120: 12, 6344–6355
"Hybrid network structure and thermal conductive properties in Poly (vinylidene fluoride) composites based on carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoplatelets, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing"
Amber Zhang
90: 614-625
"Pharmacy Law Update"
By Roger N. Morris
Southwest Clinical Conference
"Mergers, Statutory Share Exchanges, and Asset Transfers"
Ryan L. Van Den Elzen
Securities, Mergers, and Acquisitions in Wisconsin - State Bar of Wisconsin (Third Edition)
“The "AS-IS" Clause is Not a Shield Against Misrepresentation”
Charles W. Cousland
"Risk Management for Not-for-Profit Properties and Projects"
Panelist Everett S. Ward
The Rooftops Conference, Chicago (conference co-presented by The Rooftops Project at the Center for Real Estate Studies, New York Law School, and The Business Law Clinic at the Center for Business Law, Loyola University Chicago School of Law)
"What I Wish I Knew Then"
Jaya F. White, moderator
Chicago Committee Associate Board, Law Firm Boot Camp Program
"The Increasing Importance of Primary and Secondary Disclosure"
Alexander J. Gore
Ehlers Wisconsin Public Finance Seminar
"Risk Management in Nursing Care"
By Edward L. Holloran, III
Purdue University, School of Nursing (West Lafayette, Indiana)
"Prospecting for Emerging Technology"
By Stephen J. Gardner, Panelist
Venture Club of Indiana