"Court Certifies Class Action For Retail Workers Subjected To Off-The-Clock Security Screening"
Aaron Buckley
Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin
Immigration - I9 and E-verify Compliance in the Trump Era
Eric D. Ledbetter
11th Annual Specialized CLE for In-House Counsel
"Ethics - FCA, OIG, AKS and other Scary Acronyms: A Discussion about Trends in Government Enforcement"
By Roger Morris
11th Annual Specialized CLE For In-House Counsel
"Panel Discussion - What Management Wants From Inside Counsel"
Leonardo Loo and Brad Vynalek
11th Annual Specialized CLE For In-House Counsel
"Social Media: Tips for Brand Management and Crisis Management"
By Johanna Wilbert
11th Annual Specialized CLE For In-House Counsel
"Ethics - Teaching Your Team How Attorney Client Privilege and Document Discovery Work (And Do Not) Before The Lawsuits or Investigations Start"
Daniel E. Conley
11th Annual Specialized CLE For In-House Counsel
"Collateral Source: The Rule, Stanley v. Walker, Patchett v. Lee & The Affordable Care Act"
By Edward L. Holloran, III
2017 Bench Bar Conference, IndyBar Association, Marriott Downtown Hotel Louisville (Louisville, Kentucky)
"Considerations for Use of Donor Advised Funds for Charitable Giving"
By Kirk A. Hoopingarner
Evanston Community Foundation
Practical Implications of Recent (and Future) Wisconsin Insurance Cases on Construction Litigation Matters
Kevin M. Long, Patrick J. Murphy
Wisconsin State Bar Convention
Community Luncheon: Immigration 101
Grant Sovern
Leadership Greater Madison Alumni Association and Madison Club Charitable Foundation
"Pharmacy Law Update"
By Roger Morris
Arizona Pharmacy Association
"Student Loans"
By Brittany S. Ogden
24th Annual Central States Bankruptcy Workshop
"Risk and Governance Issues for Mid-Size Companies"
Joseph D. Masterson
Wisconsin Bar Business Law Blog
“The Devil Wears IP: Intellectual Property in The Fashion Industry"
Kelly L. Williams
Maryland State Bar Association Annual Meeting, Ocean City, MD.
"The Keys Are Under the Mat: Closing a Medicare Certified Skilled Nursing Facility"
Randy R. Fearnow, Jaya F. White, William A. Walden
American Health Lawyers Association, AHLA Connections, vol. 21, issue 6
"Pharmacy 101"
By Roger Morris, Simone Colgan Dunlap and Nicholas Meza
McKesson Corporation
"How to Prepare for the Multi-State Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam MPJE"
By Roger Morris
Midwestern University
"The California Fair Pay Act"
HR Academy for Professional Excellence
"California Assembly Bill Seeks to Raise Salary Threshold for White Collar Exempt Employees"
Aaron Buckley
Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin
"Reading the Tea Leaves: How Tax Reform Could Impact Future Charitable Planning"
By Kirk A. Hoopingarner, Patrick J. Bitterman
"Trends in the International Business Landscape"
By Andre Fiebig
2017 BDO Chicago Financial Executives Forum
Controlling Your Client’s Discovery Costs with Proportionality
Joshua D. Maggard
American Bar Association, Professional Liability Litigation
Engage(ment letters) with Your Clients
Joshua D. Maggard
American Bar Association, Professional Liability Litigation
"Insiders Series: Successful Models for Tribal Land Development"
Luis A. Ochoa
Urban Land Institute: Arizona
"Back to Nine: Supreme Court Cases to Watch This Term and Next."
E. King Poor and Christopher Combest
GE Capital/Heller Alumni Continuing Legal Education Program
"Practical and Ethical Pitfalls: E-Mails, Blogs and Social Media"
James I. Kaplan
Quarles & Brady LLP (with Kathleen McCarthy and Lauren Hurley)
"Transitioning to the New Wisconsin Uniform Partnership Law"
Joseph D. Masterson
Quarles & Brady Seminar; Wisconsin Bar CLE Program
"A Summary of the Year for the Arizona Board of Pharmacy"
By Roger N. Morris
Midwestern University
Headwinds in the Agriculture Sector: Selected Issues Dealing with Defaults
By Brittany S. Ogden
ELFA Legal Forum