50-State Survey of Accounting and Auditing Liability Issues - Alaska
Joshua D. Maggard
American Bar Association, Professional Liability Litigation
50-State Survey of Accounting and Auditing Liability Issues - Nevada
Joshua D. Maggard
American Bar Association, Professional Liability Litigation
"Child Safety Decision Making Model and Juvenile Law"
Guest Lecturer
Marquette Law School
"Considerations in the World of IoT"
Heather Buchta
Quarles & Brady Seminar for Client
"DLSE: Employers May Not Require Employees to Remain On Site During Breaks"
Aaron Buckley
Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin
"Protecting Emerging Technologies: The IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Wearables, and GUIs"
Paper by: James Aquilina
AIPLA Mid-Winter Institute, La Quinta, CA
“Trademark Protection & Enforcement Strategies in China”
Lori S. Meddings
Wisconsin Intellectual Property Law Association (WIPLA)
"Diversity and Inclusion in the Paralegal Profession"
Sybil Taylor Aytch
National Paralegal Reporter
2018 No. 3 Norton Bankr. L. Adviser NL 7 Seventh Circuit Review
Randy J. Pflum
National Product Liability Desk Reference (Bi-Annual Fifty-State Compendium)
Eric W. Matzke
Co-Editor, Wisconsin Chapter (2014 - present)
"2018 AGC/ABA Forum on Construction Law State Law Matrix Project – WI"
David P. Muth, Eric J. Van Schyndle
Quarles & Brady LLP
"Top Myths and the Great Wealth Transfer"
By Kirk A. Hoopingarner
Planned Giving Today
"New California Law Makes Contractors Liable for Subcontractors’ Unpaid Wages"
Aaron Buckley
Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin
"Top 10 Labor and Employment Mistakes"
CALPELRA Annual Conference
"Outwit, Outlast, Outplay: Tips on Surviving the Disability Accommodation Process"
CALPELRA Annual Conference
"Making Termination Decisions Stick"
CALPELRA Annual Conference
"Chapter 5—Family Limited Partnerships"
By Kirk A. Hoopingarner
Business Partnerships Book - Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education
Filling the Gap of Domestic Violence Protection: Returning Human Rights to U.S. Victims
Melanie C. Kalmanson
43 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 1359
"Almost Enough to Make You Wannacry: Identifying the Risks, Handling Claims, and the Role of Insurance in Data Breach and Cyber Security, presented as part of 'Trending Topics in Business Litigation 2017'"
By Jeffrey O. Davis
State Bar of Wisconsin
"Review: Kurt B. Anderson, Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire"
James I. Kaplan
The National Book Review
"Nike’s De Minimis Defense Wins Bag Check Case"
Aaron Buckley
Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin
"Catfish in the Rye" - Managing Student and Employee Use of Social Media"
California Council of School Attorneys Annual Workshop
“Gender and Its Role in Forming Undergraduate Residence Life Communities"
Marquette University Research Fair for Honors Program Research Fellows