Pharmacy Law Update
By: Roger N. Morris
Arizona Pharmacy Association
"Transitional Roles and Current Trends"
Panelists - Lucy R. Dollens, Katea M. Ravega and Joel E. Tragesser
Association of Corporate Counsel of Indiana Annual Meeting 2019
"The Dating Game: Navigating Relationships with Pharmaceutical Manufacturers"
Simone Colgan Dunlap
4th Annual National Association of Specialty Pharmacy Law Conference
Maintaining Work Authorization in a World with Visa Retrogression
Eric Ledbetter
AILA Web Seminar Panelist
"Prescribing Controlled Substances"
Indianapolis Bar Association CLE
Telepharmacy, Telemedicine, AIC, and Other Alternative Sites of Care
By: Roger N. Morris and Amy Cotton Peterson
National Association of Specialty Pharmacy 4th Annual Specialty Pharmacy Law Conference
Telepharmacy, Telemedicine, AIC, and Other Alternative Sites of Care
By: Amy Cotton Peterson and Roger N. Morris
National Association of Specialty Pharmacy 4th Annual Specialty Pharmacy Law Conference
10 Years of Miami Law Review’s Eleventh Circuit Issue
Eleventh Circuit Historical News
"Child Welfare and the Courts Legislative Update"
Statewide Convention
“California One-Action Rule, Are You Sure It Does Not Apply”
Timothy W. Moser
The Abstract - American College of Mortgage Attorneys
"U.S. Supreme Court Holds State Wage and Hour Laws Do Not Apply to the Outer Continental Shelf"
Aaron Buckley
"Updates in Pharmacy Law"
By Roger N. Morris and Nicholas H. Meza
Indian Health Services Southwest Regional Pharmacy Technician Meeting
"IP Corporate Counsel Panel Discussion"
Panel Moderator - Joel E. Tragesser
Indianapolis Bar Association
"Duties of a Non-Profit Board"
By Roger N. Morris
Arizona Pharmacy Association Board Meeting
Blog - To Be Or Not To 340B
"Advanced Design Patent Prosecution"
Paper by: James Aquilina
AIPLA Design Rights Boot Camp, Chicago, IL
"Ninth Circuit Holds Dynamex “ABC” Independent Contractor Test Applies Retroactively, Brushing off Due Process Concerns"
Aaron Buckley
"California Employment Law Update"
National Employment Law Institute
"Moderated Panel of State Board of Pharmacy Counsel"
Edward Rickert
Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
"DEA Update"
Edward Rickert
Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
"Moderated Panel of State Board of Pharmacy Members"
Roger N. Morris
Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
"The 340B Drug Pricing Program Year in Review: What's Smoke and What's Fire in a Changing Landscape"
Richard Davis, Brenda Maloney Shafer
Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
"Medication Adherence Programs: Legal Requirements, Insights, and Innovations"
Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
"New Technology"
Christopher Dang, Anne O'Brien
Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
"Emerging Issues in Specialty Pharmacy"
Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
"CMS Star Ratings"
John Hintz
Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
"State Law Updates"
Susan Trujillo
Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
"Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law"
Anne O'Brien, Nicholas Meza
Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
Blog - To Be Or Not To 340B
"Technological Developments in Southern Arizona and Support Provided by Law Practitioners"
Radio Interview
Tucson Metro Chamber
"U.S. Supreme Court Holds Class Arbitration Cannot Be Compelled Unless Expressly Authorized by Agreement"
Aaron Buckley
"Tips and Traps in Real Estate Zoning and Transactions"
Jason F. Wood and Benjamin W. Graff, Speakers
Quarles & Brady LLP 13th Annual Specialized CLE for In-House Counsel