"Good to Great Lawyers – A Strategic Professional Development Retreat"
N. Cornell Boggs, Speaker
Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Foundation Virtual Webinar
"Escrow and Closing"
By Diana M. Haller (Co-lecturer)
Arizona State University W.P. Carey School of Business, Undergraduate Course: Real Estate Law for Non-Majors
"Implementation of an Effective Compliance Plan"
Amy Cotton Peterson
NASP 5th Annual Specialty Pharmacy Law Conference Webinar
"Hot Button Issues on PBMs’ Radars"
Simone Colgan Dunlap
NASP 5th Annual Specialty Pharmacy Law Conference Webinar
"Returning to the Workplace: Employer & Employee Rights"
Eric B. Johnson, Speaker for Webinar Session 3
BBVA USA's 4-part Virtual Education Series
"Intercreditor Issues in the Post Covid World"
Co-Author and Co-Panelist Everett S. Ward (with Andrew L. Jagoda, James B. Rosenbloom and Adam B. Weissburg)
American College of Mortgage Attorneys 2020 Annual Meeting (Related publication: "Intercreditor Issues in the Post Covid World")
"International Challenges for University Research: Foreign Economic Espionage & Trade Secret Exfiltration, and Immigration"
Grant Sovern
University Research and Technology Transfer Webinar Series
"Charter School Bond Financing"
Nathan S. Fronk
National Association of Bond Lawyers
"Business Law Training: Current State of Middle Market M&A and A Look Ahead: What You Need to Know"
Ryan L. Van Den Elzen
Quarles & Brady Seminar
"Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Data Privacy”
Association of Corporate Counsel’s Corporate Counsel Institute
"Expertenworkshop: die Rekrutierung von Personal in den USA"
Sarah Ames, Speaker
German American Chamber of Commerce Online Webinar
"Current Issues in Telehealth Reimbursement & Coverage"
Presenter - Katea M. Ravega
2nd Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center (UMTRC) Annual Conference
"Steps to Control a COVID-19 Resurgence"
Judith A. Williams-Killackey, Speaker
Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC)
Blog - To Be Or Not To 340B
"Tribal Clean Energy Development and Utility Support: Path to Economic Recovery from COVID-19"
Pilar M. Thomas
Quarles & Brady Seminar
"TRI Reporting for PFAS: What Should I Be Doing to Get Ready?"
Lauren R. Harpke
Geosyntec Compliance Camp Webinar Series
“Travel restrictions for L, H and J visa holders – Reisebeschränkungen für L, H und J Visainhaber”
German Language News Alert by Sarah Ames published by the Wirtschaftskammer Österreich/Austrian Economic Chamber
"Legal Lessons Learned from the Pandemic"
Panelists - Susan I. Matejcak, Mary Ann Murray
CREW Chicago Zoom Meeting