Aaron Buckley Authors Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin Article About California Court of Appeal Decision on Claims Under PAGA


Aaron Buckley, national vice chair of the Quarles & Brady Labor & Employment Practice Group, wrote an article for Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin about a California Court of Appeal decision regarding whether an individual claim under the California Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) can be pursued separately from a representative claim. Buckley outlines how this will affect wage and hour disputes, using a specific court case as an example.

An excerpt:

A plaintiff must satisfy two requirements in order to have standing to litigate a PAGA claim: (1) the plaintiff must be an “aggrieved employee,” defined as someone who was employed by the alleged violator; and (2) the plaintiff must be a person “against whom one or more of the alleged [Labor Code] violations was committed.” 2 3

The California Court of Appeal began its analysis by reviewing PAGA’s general legal framework. 19 The court noted that “PAGA authorizes an ‘aggrieved employee,’ acting as a proxy or agent of the state Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), to bring a civil action against an employer ‘on behalf of himself or herself and other current or former employees’ to recover civil penalties for Labor Code violations they have sustained.” 20


Originally published in Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin, March 1, 2025 (Subscription required)

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