Quarles Ranked in Two Categories in Juristat’s “2024 Top Patent Firms”

News Release

The national law firm of Quarles & Brady LLP has been named by Juristat as one of the top patent firms practicing in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) Technology Center (TC) 1600 and TC 2900 rankings.

Inclusion in the TC 1600 marks the third year in a row Quarles has been listed as a top law firm for patent applications for biotechnology and organic chemistry inventions. TC 2900 highlights patent applications relating to design patents.

The Juristat “2024 Top Patent Firms” rankings are based on performance metrics within each technology center of the USPTO, looking at the top firms in the categories of allowance rate, average office actions before allowance and volume of applications filed. Juristat is a software service company that provides patent analytics and workflow automation tools for users to plot their chance of success in all aspects of the patent application process.

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