Quarles & Brady Supports Green Bay Packer Haha Clinton-Dix Launch of Ha Ha’s Hero Headquarters Program

News Release

MILWAUKEE, Wis. — In early January, more than 900 books were donated to the Benjamin Franklin Elementary School as part of our continued effort through Quarles Cares to support our long-time partner school in Milwaukee.

The books will be placed inside Green Bay Packers player Ha Ha Clinton Dix’s first Ha Ha’s HERO Headquarters reading room in Wisconsin. When the new room was unveiled each student had the opportunity to meet Ha Ha, read with him and enjoy cookies donated by the firm.

“Quarles & Brady is proud to sponsor of the new Ha Ha’s HERO Headquarters reading room. For the last several years, Quarles & Brady has focused its corporate support on education and hunger and this was a great fit. We aim to help provide our youth with a strong education, and the resources they need to better themselves.,” said Katie Perhach.

To see highlights from the event view this short video story:

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