Mark Ehrmann Featured in Wisconsin Public Radio Story About UW-Madison Putting Hiring Freeze on Positions Paid by Federal Funding
Mark Ehrmann, a Madison-based partner in the Quarles & Brady Business Law Practice Group, shared insight in a Wisconsin Public Radio story about how the University of Wisconsin-Madison recently put a hiring freeze on positions paid for by federal funding. The move comes after the Trump administration ordered a pause on federal grants and assistance.
The decision could negatively affect important research and the development of startups, Ehrmann said.
An excerpt:
“I would be worried that that would slow down or stop if you didn’t have that government support,” Ehrmann said.
He said federal research dollars have a multiplier effect. They can lead to start-ups and ultimately help the local economy.
“Federal research has been going on for decades, and I think it’d be hard to see how that could just go away entirely,” Ehrmann said. “I’d be surprised if it got to that.”
Please visit our Federal Policy Watch: Monitoring White House Developments page for more insight about navigating changes at the federal level.