Leonardo Loo featured in "Executive Inc.: Leonardo Loo's diverse background informs his work every day"

Media Mention
Phoenix Business Journal

Below is an excerpt:

"I thought it was a great opportunity to meld my two interests of business and also the ability to have an impact within the community," states Mr. Loo on what led him to apply to law school.


When asked about his managing partner role, Mr. Loo said: "It's been a lot of work but it's been exciting. Some of my goals are to enrich the experience of the attorneys in our office and ensure that they've got a satisfying, rewarding experience here, and that we attract high-caliber attorneys to our firm to provide top-notch services to our clients. Part of that is also increasing and improving our diversity and inclusion within the office as well."


"I have served on the board of Chicanos Por La Causa. The organization does a lot of wonderful things like social services programs, economic development and helping individuals be financially independent. I'm also very involved with the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. I'm able to utilize my skill set and experience to help those within the community, those that are underrepresented, underserved in the community. I ask our younger attorneys where they've involved and what assistance they need in identifying what their passions are in the community. Studies have shown that the more engaged an attorney is with the community, the more successful they will be." 


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