Kevin Long Featured in Blog Titled “Literacy Champion Offers a Case Study in How to Be an Advocate”

Media Mention

Kevin Long, Quarles & Brady Milwaukee office co-managing partner, was featured in a blog post by Maya Payne Smart, a writer, parent educator and early literacy advocate. In the post, Long discussed his role as a literacy advocate and his role in urging Milwaukee’s business community to invest in early-literacy initiatives.

Long shared how he and his wife have long sought ways to uplift their community, how other influential partners at Quarles inspired him to give back and how his efforts culminated in a single meeting that raised over $100,000 for Reach Out and Read, an early literacy organization that works directly with pediatric care providers to share the lifelong benefits that result from families reading aloud to their children every day.

An excerpt:

Recognizing Root Causes

For Long, service to others has always been central to his life. Guided by Jesuit principles of being “men and women for others,” he and his wife, Peggy, have long sought ways to uplift their community. Professionally, Long drew inspiration from leaders at his law firm, especially attorneys John Daniels and Mike Gonring, who modeled giving back.

Reading for Our Lives helped him see the bigger picture—that success in the K-12 years or even college doesn’t start there. “The development of any person begins in the earliest years,” he said. “The more you can do in the beginning years of a child’s life, the better you’re going to set them up for success down the road.”


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