John A. Harris quoted in article "Judge Says SkyMall Can Stay Open Online Pending Sale"

Media Mention
Dow Jones Business News

Below is an excerpt:

During the company's first appearance in court Tuesday, Judge Brenda Martin of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Phoenix approved bidding procedures and outlined a timetable to complete the proposed court-supervised sale of its assets. According to that timetable, an auction will be held on March 24 in Phoenix, and any sale of SkyMall's assets will close by April 15.

In an attempt to preserve the value of those assets, namely contracts with its vendors, keeping the business's doors open is paramount, said John Harris, a lawyer for SkyMall, at the hearing Tuesday.

"The debtors are attempting to sustain their scaled-down business operations," Mr. Harris said. "That gives us the best chance to realize the maximum value for this enterprise."


Originally published in Dow Jones Business News, January 28, 2015

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