Hans Riede Offers Perspective for Washington Business Journal Article on COVID Impact for Employers
Washington, D.C. – Quarles & Brady partner Hans Riede, chair of the Labor & Employment Practice Group for the firm’s Washington, D.C., office, was quoted in a Washington Business Journal article about the legal changes affecting employers that may result from the COVID—19 pandemic.
Riede addressed implications related to increasing efforts by employers to enforce nondisclosure and noncompete agreements when an employee resigns. An excerpt from the article:
Hans Riede, the D.C. office chair of Quarles & Brady LLP’s labor and employment practice group, brought up a new legal wrinkle in the “Great Resignation” saga. As workers exit their jobs, their employers are fighting to enforce nondisclosure and noncompete agreements, often resulting in litigation. However, a dozen states have recently passed statutes limiting those agreements, including Maryland, Virginia and D.C. “Thus, we are seeing tension between employers trying to keep their best talent and preserve their confidential and proprietary information, and state legislatures passing laws broadening an employee’s ability to change jobs without restrictions,” he said.