Courtney Lynch Quoted in Indiana Lawyer Article About Client Reactions to Federal Policy Changes

Media Mention

Courtney Lynch, a Quarles & Brady partner and Indianapolis office chair of the Business Law Practice Group, was quoted in an Indiana Lawyer article about how the state’s businesses and nonprofit organizations are responding to the many changes in federal policy.

The article addresses reactions to a variety of changes, including the proposed federal funding freeze, tariff and trade policies, and immigration policy. Lynch, whose clients include an array of nonprofits, explained that the proposed hold on federal funding was a big surprise for many of her clients.

An excerpt:

Courtney Lynch, a business law partner with Quarles & Brady LLP, represents clients that include an array of nonprofits.

Lynch said the proposed federal funding freeze had generated the most inquiries, with the attorney describing her clients as “concerned.”

She said a lot of nonprofits rely on federal grant funding, especially in areas such as affordable housing, and many didn’t anticipate that a pause in federal funding would be a priority for the president.

“I don’t think, especially the funding freeze, was on anybody’s radar,” Lynch said.

With several legal challenges awaiting most of the president’s orders and plans, Lynch said she is telling clients to stay patient.

She said organizations shouldn’t be making rash decisions and should instead watch, listen and let colleagues, attorneys and Congressional representatives know if there’s an order or policy shift that could adversely impact their operations.

“My attitude and advice to clients is to continually be vigilant and be attentive and if something is affecting you to reach out,” Lynch said.

Please visit our Federal Policy Watch: Monitoring White House Developments page for more insight about navigating changes at the federal level.


Originally published in The Indiana Lawyer, February 12, 2025 (Subscription required.)

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