BTI Consulting Group Recognizes Quarles & Brady Among Best Firms Delivering Alternative Fee Arrangements

News Release

MILWAUKEE, Wis. — The national law firm of Quarles & Brady LLP today announced that BTI Consulting Group has named it one of the best firms delivering alternative fee arrangements (AFAs). Of the 650 firms serving large and Fortune 1000 clients, corporate counsel find Quarles & Brady among the best at making AFAs the successful cost control tool they were intended to be. The survey, BTI State of Alternative Fee Arrangements 2016, is an analysis of firms’ guidance to help clients control costs based on telephone interviews with leading corporate counsel.

Corporate counsel identified six reasons these 22 firms stand out: focus and efficiency, enthusiasm and commitment to AFAs, flexibility, willingness to take risk, sticking to the agreement without complaint, and providing the authority to enter into AFAs quickly without meetings or reviews. According to BTI Consulting Group, "top legal decision makers credit their new love of AFAs to improved client focus, predictability in budgets, a more streamlined approach to the work, and the savings—which remain well in the double digits. Clients using AFAs report savings of 13.9% in 2015 compared to 14.4% in 2013. These savings effectively add $2.7 million to the average client’s legal budget." On April 28, the results were published in Law360.

"The firm strives to provide the absolute best legal counsel at a price that is right for our clients," said Firm Chair Kimberly Leach Johnson. "We are proud to be listed as one of the top firms at developing and delivering AFAs."

About BTI Consulting Group
BTI conducts more independent research on how clients acquire, manage, and evaluate their professional service providers than virtually anyone. They benchmark how Fortune 1000 companies buy, how professional services firms sell, and how to manage service provider performance. Through more than 14,000 independent interviews with C-level executives and systematic analysis, BTI has helped professionals boost client service for more than 25 years.

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