"Quarles & Brady Obtains Litigation Victory for Flambeau, Inc."

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MILWAUKEE, Wis. — The law firm of Quarles & Brady LLP today announced that on March 17, 2015, the Federal Circuit affirmed a decision invalidating 79 patent claims asserted against its client, Flambeau, Inc. That result marks the conclusion of a long fight against Etagz, Inc. Etagz filed suit against Flambeau in Salt Lake City, Utah, several years ago, accusing a number of Flambeau's Duncan toy and Flambeau Outdoors hunting products that come with instructional CD-ROMs or DVDs of infringing the 79 claims in three related patents: U.S. Patent Numbers 6,298,332; 7,503,502; and 7,703,686. Claims that were invalidated by Flambeau in U.S. Patent Nos. 6,298,332 and 7,703,686 were previously categorized by Etagz as "bulletproofed" and "immune from challenge."

Both Flambeau and Quarles & Brady are happy with the result. "The District Court invalidated all of the claims asserted against Flambeau, and to have that result affirmed on appeal is all the more satisfying," said attorney Josephine Benkers of Quarles & Brady.

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