Business Law Training | Building Privacy Compliance for the Future Now
Program Overview: The dizzying pace of privacy laws and regulations in California and around the world have left even the most seasoned privacy and compliance professionals with all they can handle and then some. Now, two more U.S. states are poised to enter the fray with their own pieces of comprehensive privacy legislation and several more states are likely to follow. Now is the time for organizations to build privacy programs that will be compliant and scale readily to be durable as new laws and regulations take effect. This webinar offered practical discussion and tips to help do just that. Attendees that join this hour long presentation that offered insights on how to establish and evolve key components of a privacy program that will meet the needs of both today and tomorrow.
Greg Leighton, Partner, Quarles & Brady LLP
Meghan O'Connor, Partner, Quarles & Brady LLP
Sarah Erdmann, Associate, Quarles & Brady LLP
Bari Rascoe, Associate, Quarles & Brady LLP
For additional information on these topics, please contact Greg Leighton, Meghan O'Connor, Sarah Erdmann, Bari Rascoe.