2023 Pharmacy Law Symposium
July 19-20, 2023
Quarles looks forward to bringing together industry leaders from across the country to discuss the latest developments in the dynamic practice of pharmacy law. Our 2023 Symposium will once again feature an in-person program. In past years, this event has quickly and consistently reached registration capacity. The agenda can be found below and will be updated regularly.
Our General Session topics will include:
- Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law
- For What It’s Worth: Controlled Substance Act Compliance in the Post-Prescription Opioid Crisis and Post-COVID World
- Updates and Issues in the Shared Services and Central Fill Space
- State Board of Pharmacy Panel
Breakout Sessions will include:
- A Knowledge Infusion: A Legal Overview of Infusion Pharmacy Services
- A Program in Upheaval: What to Expect in the 340B Space Moving Forward
- Enforcement Actions: Trends & Takeaways
- New Pharmacy Laws: A Closer Look at Trends and Changes
- PBMs, ERISA Preemption, Rutledge v. PCMA, and Resulting State Laws: The Continuing Story
- Pharmacist Expanded Scope of Practice
- The End of the PHE: Considerations for Medicare & Medicaid Providers and Suppliers
Who Should Attend?
The program is for general counsel and in-house counsel for national and regional chain pharmacies, mail-order pharmacies, and specialty pharmacies as well as anyone involved in operations, compliance, or other relevant roles related to these organizations. Quarles reserves the right to limit or restrict attendance to the program.
Continuing Legal Education:
After the program, Quarles will apply for general continuing legal education credit for Quarles attorneys and their clients in U.S. jurisdictions where applicable. Quarles certifies that this activity has been approved for California MCLE credits by the State Bar of California in the amount of 6.0 general credits. Quarles is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider. Participants seeking CLE credit must complete a CLE Attendance Form and return it to Quarles after the event.
Anticipated Continuing Legal Education Processing Time:
Depending on jurisdiction, the processing time for course approval is estimated to take between 2-16 weeks.
The Pharmacy Symposium registration deadline was Friday, June 23, 2023. To inquire about registering after this time, please contact Alexa Curto, alexa.curto@quarles.com.
Program Agenda
DAY ONE | Wednesday, July 19th
1-1:45 p.m. – Registration and Networking
1:45-2 p.m. – Welcome and Opening Remarks
Kinzie Forum
Presenter: Brenda Shafer, partner
2-3 p.m. – Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law
Kinzie Forum
Moderator: Amy Cotton Peterson, partner
Presenters: Susan Brichler Trujillo, Simone Colgan Dunlap, and Ted Sullivan, partners
3:10-4:10 p.m. – For What It’s Worth: Controlled Substance Act Compliance in the Post-Prescription Opioid Crisis and Post-COVID World
Kinzie Forum
Presenters: Edward Rickert, partner and Hunter DeKoninck, practice group attorney
4:20-5:20 p.m. – Updates and Issues in the Shared Services and Central Fill Space
Kinzie Forum
Presenters: Nicholas Meza, partner and Alex Cooper, attorney
5:30-7 p.m. – Welcome Reception
DAY TWO | Thursday, July 20th
8:30-9:15 a.m. – Continental Breakfast and Networking
9:15-10:15 a.m. – First Morning Breakout Sessions
Session One: A Program in Upheaval: What to Expect in the 340B Space Moving Forward
Wayman 1
Presenters: Richard Davis and Michael French, attorneys
Session Two: New Pharmacy Laws: A Closer Look at Trends and Changes
Kinzie Forum
Presenters: Kaytie Ravega, partner and Shamika Mazyck, attorney
Session Three: Pharmacist Expanded Scope of Practice
Wayman 2
Presenters: Michael Elkins and Luis Lanz, attorneys
10:25-11:25 a.m. – Second Morning Breakout Sessions
Session One: PBMs, ERISA Preemption, Rutledge v. PCMA, and Resulting State Laws: The Continuing Story
Wayman 1
Presenters: John Hintz, of counsel and Katie Lavigne, attorney
Session Two: Enforcement Actions: Trends & Takeaways
Kinzie Forum
Presenters: Mark Bina and Kirti Reddy, partners
Session Three: The End of the PHE: Considerations for Medicare & Medicaid Providers and Suppliers
Morgan Boardroom
Presenters: Elizabeth Gebarski and Christopher Guthrie, attorneys
Session Four: A Knowledge Infusion: A Legal Overview of Infusion Pharmacy Services
Wayman 2
Presenters: Brenda Shafer and Jaya White, partners and Shamika Mazyck, attorney
11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. – Lunch
12:15-1:15 p.m. – State Board of Pharmacy Panel
Kinzie Forum
Moderator: Roger Morris, partner
Tim Frost, Chief of Staff, Idaho Office of the Attorney General
Kimberly Grinston, Executive Director, Missouri Board of Pharmacy
Susan McCoy, Executive Director, Mississippi Board of Pharmacy
1:15 p.m. – Closing Remarks
Related People
- Mark Bina
- Simone Colgan Dunlap
- Alex Cooper
- Amy Cotton Peterson
- Richard Davis
- Hunter DeKoninck
- Michael French
- Christopher Guthrie
- John Hintz
- Luis Lanz
- Katie Lavigne
- Brenda Maloney Shafer
- Shamika Mazyck
- Nicholas Meza
- Roger Morris, R.Ph.
- Kirti Vaidya Reddy
- Edward Rickert
- Theodore Sullivan
- Susan Brichler Trujillo
- Jaya White