Strategic advice and creative problem solving
Mark Bina is an experienced legal counselor and litigator who represents clients in multiple industries, with a focus on health care providers. Representing a full range of health care providers and other businesses, Mark helps clients navigate:
- Disputes, investigations and litigation, especially defending health providers against and appealing administrative enforcement actions.
- Health care regulatory and business issues as outside general counsel
- Business litigation, dispute resolution and risk management
Clients turn to Mark as a steady hand who is both diplomatic and creative in navigating complex regulatory issues and litigation. They know he works to solve not only today’s challenges, but to see “around the corner” and help them avoid future problems, too.
Mark previously served as the executive director of the Indiana Board of Pharmacy and later as an assistant attorney general with the Illinois Attorney General's Office.
Mark is co-chair of the Health Care Litigation and Clinical Laboratory team.
Experience in Action
- Serving as national regulatory and litigation counsel to a variety of health care providers in disciplinary and regulatory matters, appeals of agency decisions, professional licensing matters, fraud and abuse issues, and various business disputes.
- Helping clients respond to governmental investigations and subpoenas from local, state and federal regulators.
- Representing clients before state and federal trial and appellate courts, in mediations and arbitrations, and before administrative boards, administrative law judges, and state and federal agencies across the country.
- Challenging unconstitutional laws and regulations under state and federal versions of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and appealing unfavorable administrative decisions on judicial review.
- Managing the day-to-day legal operations of health care providers as outside general counsel including crisis management and responding to data security incidents.
- Appointed by City of Chicago to serve as general counsel and chief legal officer of the region’s 3,000-bed alternative care facility at McCormick Place managing the day-to-day legal, regulatory and compliance duties along with local, state and federal authorities during the city’s COVID-19 pandemic emergency public health response.
- Persuaded state pharmacy board to renew several wrongfully rejected licenses after filing complaint and motion for TRO on state administrative law, due process and Dormant Commerce Clause claims. The matter was promptly resolved without judicial intervention once the state reviewed the briefing.
- Managed internal investigation and document production for federal Medicare fraud qui tam subpoena resulting in the government declining to intervene and the relator voluntarily dismissing all fraud claims with prejudice.
- Successfully defeated emergency motion for TRO and preliminary injunction filed by pharmacy in federal court against PBM on pharmacy network access issue and obtained dismissal with prejudice — affirmed by 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.
- Dismissed state’s petition to enforce subpoenas against pharmacy seeking privileged patient safety work product under Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005 (PSQIA) — affirmed on appeal.
- Litigation & Dispute Resolution
- Appellate
- Health Litigation
- Health & Life Sciences
- Hospitals and Health Systems
- Long-Term Care and Senior Housing
- Pharmacy, Drug and Device
- Provider and Physician Groups
- Government and Internal Investigations, Litigation, and Fraud, Waste and Abuse Compliance
- Health Information Technology, Privacy and Security
- Data Privacy & Security
- Government Enforcement Defense and Investigations
- Securities Litigation and Enforcement
Professional Recognitions
- Illinois Super Lawyers® (2020-2025: Healthcare)
- Illinois Super Lawyers® "Rising Stars" (2014-2017: Healthcare)
- Award for Excellence in Pro Bono Service, awarded by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois and the Chicago chapter of the Federal Bar Association (2013)
Professional & Civic Activities
- Pro Bono Coordinator, Quarles Chicago office (2018-2019)
- American Health Lawyer Association (AHLA) Healthcare Liability and Litigation Practice Group’s 2015-2016 Leadership Development Program, member
- Hearing Board of the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission, member (2012-2022)
- Federal Bar Association, member
- Illinois State Bar Association, member
- Chicago Bar Association, member
- American Bar Association, Section of Litigation, member
- American Health Law Association, member
- American Society for Pharmacy Law, member
- Illinois Association of Health Care Attorneys, member
- The Economic Club of Chicago, member
- Illinois Homecare Council, associate member
- Illinois Health Care Association, associate member
- Chicago Volunteer Legal Services, former director, board of directors
- Judicial Evaluation Committee for the Chicago Bar Association, Investigation & Hearings division, former member
- City of Highland Park Zoning Board of Appeals, former member
- Illinois Attorney General’s Office, former assistant attorney general
- Indiana Board of Pharmacy, executive director
News & Insights
- News Release
- Newsletter
- Media Mention
- News Release
- Newsletter
- Media Mention
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Presentation"Enforcement Actions: Trends & Takeaways"2023 Pharmacy Law Symposium
July 19-20, 2023
SeminarChicago- Media Mention
- Article
- News Release
- News Release
- SeminarPalmer House Hilton
- Presentation"Constitutional Challenges to Pharmacy Statutes and Regulations"Quarles & Brady's Pharmacy Law Symposium
- Article
- News Release
- SeminarVirtual Seminar
- News Release
- News Release
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- News Release
- News Release
- PresentationChicago, Illinois
- SeminarChicago Office
- News Release
- Newsletter
- News Release
- Presentation"David v. Goliath: Managing Surveys, Appeals, and Government Investigations"Health Care Council of Illinois, Skokie, IL
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- News Release
- News Release
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Presentation"Best Practices in Defending (and Appealing) Disciplinary Cases"Quarles & Brady Pharmacy Law Symposium
- Media Mention
- News Release
- News Release
- SeminarChicago Office
- News Release
- Newsletter
- University of Illinois Chicago School of Law (J.D., 2006)
- John Marshall Law Review, staff editor
- Indiana University Bloomington (B.A., with distinction, 2000)
Bar Admissions
- District of Columbia
- Illinois
Court Admissions
- U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit
- U.S. District Court, District of Columbia
- U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois
- U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois
- U.S. District Court, Southern District of Illinois
- U.S. District Court, Northern District of Indiana
- U.S. Supreme Court
- U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas